Uses of EFT

It may seem incredible that one very simple technique can be effective with a variety of problems as well as reinforcing positive emotions and improving professional and sports performance – it also happens to be true!

Since the 1990s when EFT emerged, it has been successfully used by thousands of people around the world to provide healing from numerous problems and conditions. Below is a list of just some of the issues for which EFT has provided relief:

  • difficult emotions like anger, guilt, shame, sadness, grief, loss, resentment, worry
  • limiting beliefs such as ‘not good enough’, ‘I have to get it right’, ‘I have to do it perfectly’, ‘if I do/don’t do something people won’t like me’, ‘money doesn’t grow on trees’ and so on
  • anxiety, overwhelm, fear and acute stress
  • panic attacks and breathing difficulties
  • traumatic childhood and adult memories and abuse
  • specific phobias including fear of flying, heights, dogs, etc and social phobias including public speaking, meeting people, attending social events
  • post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • depression, burn-out and insomnia
  • obsessive compulsive behaviour
  • eating problems, weight loss and food cravings
  • learning disorders including dyslexia, ADHD, etc
  • allergies and autoimmune conditions
  • addictions including food, cigarettes, alcohol and drugs
  • pain management including the distress caused by pain
  • physical ailments such as fibromyalgia, migraines, skin rashes and eczema
  • relationship problems
  • procrastination and indecisiveness

EFT also works really well for increasing well being, self-image, positive emotions, creativity, and reaching peak performance in areas including academics, business, sports, creative and performing arts. Here are just some of the areas of personal development with which EFT can assist:

  • generating positive emotions such as love, joy, gratitude, appreciation, generosity, kindness more frequently and readily
  • enhancing self-confidence, self-esteem and self-worth
  • optimal functioning in sports, tests and exams, sales and artistic activities
  • gaining success with personal and business goals, and relationships
  • enabling concentration and relaxation